
Risk or Die!TM

The way to move forward, build confidence and get motivated isn’t by playing it safe – it’s by taking RISKS! I’ll show you how to take risks you are literally DYING to take, but just couldn’t … until now! Start the mini-course today!

A ship in the harbor is safe, but
that is not what ships are for!

Build confidence by
showing yourself YOU CAN DO IT!

Know how to tackle the challenges you’ve been putting off.

Move forward on
your own terms.


Your life.
Your destiny.
Your rules.

No, you don’t have to buy a motorcycle or go skydiving – unless you want to!

What would you do if you weren’t afraid?

Risk taking isn’t about bungee jumping or getting a tattoo. Unless, of course, those are things you WANT to do! Risk taking is about doing the things you genuinely WANT to do that are outside of your comfort zone!

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My Stretch,
Risk or Die
Course Is For
You If You

  • Find yourself saying “But I can’t…” too many times a day
  • Avoid trying new experiences, and then regret it later
  • Beat yourself up over missed opportunities
  • Let other people lead, even when you KNOW you have better ideas
  • Keep getting sidetracked but swear you’ll do it tomorrow
  • Have something tough you want to do – but you don’t know where to start

Why is taking risks so important?

Two little girls are playing on the playground.

One little girl isn’t allowed to run and play like the other kids. Her mother is afraid she’ll get her dress dirty. She might get hurt. What if she makes an embarrassing mistake and is ridiculed by the other kids? The little girl is stuck watching from the park bench.

The other little girl is covered in scrapes and dirt as she climbs to the top of the slide. She’s not afraid to fall because she does it all the time. She knows how to try again because she BELIEVES in herself – she’s discovered her own strength through trial and error.

Now which of these girls do you think would be better equipped to handle life’s curveballs? Grow a successful company? Travel the world? Fall in love?
Which little girl have you been – and which one would you like to be?

Honest Reviews

I like to use SRD for a visioning tool. I am great at visioning with others, yet when I try to do it in my life I get “deer-in-the-headlights” paralyzed. Using the SRD tool helps me get unstuck. I’m able to come up with all kinds of possibilities that gently move me into my vision and — BONUS! — it also helps me take action toward making that vision a reality.

JJ Frederickson Spark Your Being Life Coaching, Master CFLC
JJ Frederickson

The first thing that the SRD tool gave me was an awareness that I aimed for the die zone every single time .. and I was failing simply because I pushed too hard, for too much. Inevitably, I bungee-corded back to my comfort zone with my cookies and ice cream. The SRD tool allowed me to soften my approach with myself and to consider heading up a hill instead of hiring a Sherpa and to scale Mount Everest.

Stacey Grimes Wempe Registered Dental Hygienist, CFLC
Stacey Grimes Wempe

The S/R/D tool supports me to be really “clear” with myself. Ask myself questions so I won’t stay stuck or dive in headfirst. What is the challenge? Okay. Now what? Break it down? What have I done? What could I do? What am I willing to do? This tool is one of the best ways I let go of “black and white” thinking. It has the added benefit of building trust and confidence within myself. I can clearly see and anchor how my die zone begins shrinking while my comfort zone expands!!!

Debbie Vaillancourt Advanced CFLC
Debbie Vaillancourt

The first thing that the SRD tool gave me was an awareness that I aimed for the die zone every single time .. and I was failing simply because I pushed too hard, for too much. Inevitably, I bungee-corded back to my comfort zone with my cookies and ice cream. The SRD tool allowed me to soften my approach with myself and to consider heading up a hill instead of hiring a Sherpa and to scale Mount Everest.

Penny Garrison CFLC, Tuscon, Arizona
Penny Garrison

SRD is such a huge tool for me. I have learned so much about myself with this little tool – which I find fascinating because it is so simple, and yet the impact is life changing!

One of the biggest insights I have had about myself with this tool is when I’m in Fear I’m either a Comfort zone gal or a Die zone gal because life’s too short to waste with a Stretch and a Risk. To recognize this fear-based behavior of mine and be able to choose differently now that is powerful!!

Janet Renner Professional Swim Coach, CFLC
Janet Renner

Here’s what you get

Instant access to three 15-minute videos

Recorded live training: Better than the real thing because you can watch in you PJs!

Fearbuster™ Exercise Worksheet

To help you apply what you’re learning in your life

Topic Tip Sheets

Whatever area of your life you’d like to improve, I’ll give you a tip sheet for inspiration and direction

It’s Time to Get Your Power BacK!

Register now for instant access! I’ve had companies pay me $5K to teach this course for their team. But I want to make this course available to you to matter what – so I’m offering it to you for only $47!


Who is this course for?

If you never finish your to-do list, don’t stay motivated long enough to complete your goals or hit the same wall of resistance over and over again, Stretch, Risk or Die is the answer. Stretch, Risk or Die is a method for breaking through the barriers that have stopped you from turning any dream into a reality. This Course was taught in front of a live audience so you’ll laugh as you learn to take the risks necessary to produce the life you’re yearning for. No life worth living is ever lived on the sidelines. You’ve got to dive in and the only way to do that is by getting good and confident in taking risks. Even my own niece used it when she had a dream to open her own law firm. She did it, effortlessly, using my method of Stretch, Risk or Die. When you learn how to Stretch, Risk or Die, you’ll know how to expand your possibilities and succeed.

How do I know this will solve my (problem)?

Because thousands of people have used it successfully to accomplish their bucket list of dreams. I use it almost everyday because it’s such a simple yet powerful method to motivate me to take action. You’ll be shocked at how quick you’ll turn your frustrations into celebrations. If you’re serious about moving forward and accomplishing your goals, Stretch, Risk or Die will help you get there faster. But past that, this is the first decision you have to make on your own. You have to make the decision to trust me to show you a new way out of your comfort zone. Thousands of others have yet this decision is yours and yours alone.

Can I share this program with a family member?

It’s important that each person who’s enrolled in the Stretch, Risk or Die program makes a conscious decision to join and invest in their own growth. Feel free to share your results with the people you love but encourage them to invest in themselves. There is nothing that can replace a decision that says “YES I am ready to risk” like a sign up for a class that can truly make a difference.

Should I tell my therapist I'm doing this program?

If that supports you. Sure, more therapists refer clients to me than coaches, speaker and authors combined. They know my stuff works, and they have your best interest at heart. So yes, please do. I have clients who actually share their homework with their therapists. I say, share away. The more support you have on your journey, the better.

Why should I use this program and not someone else’s?

Because it works! And if that isn’t enough, I could tell you a bunch of amazing things about myself like I overcame a twenty year horror story of my own or how I’ve met Oprah, twice, or I could tell you about the women’s lives I’ve changed in the Starting Over house that aired every day for three years on NBC. But come on, that isn’t important, right? It doesn’t matter really if Good Housekeeping as done a profile on me or I have been on The Today Show and blah blah blah, or my gosh darn Emmy win. What does matter is that you’re still reading this. You want me to convince you to join my program. But I’m not going to. YOU have to decide this one. And frankly, no one else has a program like this. No one.

What’s at risk if I don’t order right now?

Your dreams. Your self-esteem. Your self-respect. Let’s face it, you wouldn’t be here if this problem hasn’t been going on for a while so how long do you want it to last? This is what I true: I believe in you. And you have to decide to believe that I can get you to the other side. I’ve been coaching for over two decades and have thousands of people raising their hand saying ”this works.” So what’s at risk if you don’t? What’s at risk is your problem is just going to get bigger, and you’re gonna feel like you are drowning in it. Don’t go there. Grab my hand. Let’s do this.

What is intimidating about doing what you’re asking me to do?

First thing that should make you nervous is the word “Die” in the title: Stretch, Risk or Die. Don’t worry, you’re not going to die. In fact, the cool thing is the Die Zone will soon become your friend because it won’t feel like a Die at all. In fact, the Stretch Zone is where you’ve been getting tripped up the most. Surprised? But you don’t know that yet. You soon will. Watch all three videos and learn the method that will make taking any risk a whole lot easier. Remember, you have the coaches support and the community group and me right here. You won’t be alone so you won’t feel alone. We’ve got you.

How can you remove the intimidation for me?

This is why support is so important to me. I know what it’s like to be out there on your own swimming in deep water and trying to get to shore. I lived that way for 20 years, so I get it. I do. That’s why I give you Topic Tip Sheets and a Fearbuster Exercise – so you stay focused – and why you watch the video or listen to the audio. And don’t forget…what does all the support add up to? Integrating Stretch, Risk or Die into your life.

What happens when I order (list the steps)?

Once you order, you will receive a Welcome email with links to the Member Center where you’ll find the entire Course. Go on and get started. The Course starts the day you sign up. Imagine just 45 minutes from now, you’ll feel more empowered to take the actions that will get you closer to your dream.

How long do I have access to stuff?

Forever. I encourage you to download the audio to your computer, so you have it handy to upload to the cloud or directly to your smartphone or tablet.

Can I talk with someone before ordering, if so how?

Sure. Call the office anytime. You’ll find our Customer Happiness Team ready and waiting to support you with any and all of your questions. Because our team has access to the Courses we offer, they know this Course inside and out. You can ask them anything.

How much time will I have to invest?

Each video lasts about 15 minutes. There are three videos in all. That’s about 45 minutes total watching or listening time. And, of course, don’t forget about the Topic Tip Sheets and Fearbuster Exercise to start integrating what you learn. I encourage you to practice Stretch, Risk or Die a few minutes each day and soon, you’ll be taking risks like a Fearless Pro.

Be Fearless!

Founded with passion

Emmy Award-winner, Repeat Oprah guest, Tedx Speaker, Huffington Post Blogger – has been called “America’s Favorite Life Coach.” She has changed lives in over 600 episodes of reality television, is the author of four bestsellers including her seminal work “Fearless Living”, is the Founder of the Fearless Living Institute, an organization fueled by heart, backed by science.

Rhonda has been featured on