Deborah Moore
The thing that almost kept me from doing this course was fear. At times it felt like a risk and sometimes a die. But I loved the 30 days of everyday support. The biggest change I noticed was how I felt better about myself. I was more aware of myself, and others. At times I could breath easier, and sometimes felt more fear come up. But I stayed with it because I had decided to love me, be me, and work through the different ways it kept me stuck.
Other things I really liked was how it allowed me to connect with other people who were also part of Change Your Life in 30 Days. At first I didn't talk much on the facebook group, then I did start posting. That was a huge step for me. There was an awareness that started opening up of how much I had taken on a perception of myself that was a result of what others in my life had told me I was, or should be. Perceptions and beliefs that my worth was less because I felt that my body was less than it ought to be, that breast size equals worth. You helped me realize these beliefs are not true. Not at all.
I'm now more fully breaking through to live and be my truth. With me choosing it to be, as it was meant to be. As always Rhonda, thank you for loving yourself. For knowing your purpose and trusting it. Because you have chosen to be you, so many lives have been joyfully (because that is how you share it) blessed. We are choosing to be free, and it ripples out. Yay!