Julie Jacky
EFT certified practitioner/Financial coach
" Julie Jacky, and I have a background in financial coaching and I'm also an EFT certified practitioner. So I have coached a variety of clients for actually probably two or three years. I've worked with a lot of clients, so my confidence level was rather high when I came to the Fearless Conversations Workshop. After going through the Fearless Conversations Workshop, I know that my confidence level went even higher. Just with the practicing with other people, and I felt like there was a lot of filling in the gaps of pieces that I was missing. And I feel like after going through the Conversations course, that I can better serve my clients by filling in some pieces I was missing. When I implement the skills that I've learned over this weekend, what will change with my personal interaction (because I'll be implementing them for myself) is taking the interactions with my clients to the next level, but also being able to take my clients to the next level, just as I continue to learn more and up-level myself, I'll be able to continue to up-level my clients and impact their lives by helping them have better conversations with their coworkers, with their boss, with their spouses/significant others, with their kids...
And relationships are what make the world go round! So to be able to help people in that, when they feel so lost in it, is life-changing. I know that I'll have a positive financial impact from what I learned in the game this weekend, because my skills have changed. And by being able to provide a better service level to my clients, more information to them, help them have conversations in their lives that they may not have been able to have before... I know that they'll continue to work with me maybe longer than they originally expected, and I know they'll also refer other people to me. And so I know as a result of this work, my income will go up. If you're a coach from another program and you've taken training.
I don't know how many years ago--whether it's recent or several years ago--I feel like the Fearless Conversations , or any of the Fearless work that I've done, it fills in so many gaps that I didn't receive in some of the other coaching programs that I have participated in. It provides answers and additional information to take the client experience to a higher caliber or higher level and just to serve them better. So my goal in my coaching practice is to be the best possible coach I can, to serve my clients in the best possible way and help them. And adding Fearless Living into my life and into my coaching practice allows me to improve my skills. And it fills in so many little gaps that you knew were missing, but you didn't know what exactly it was that was missing. And so this helps with that tremendously!"