Cledra McCullers, Life and Business Strategist

“As a Coach myself, I wanted to start sharing my message with more and more people but wasn’t confident that I could attract people to my workshops.

After ONE CLASS of Create-A-Year, I scheduled my first workshop and guess what? 35 people showed up. My coaching practice took off and so have I. Take Create-A-Year-that-Matters, it will change your life.”

Life and Business Strategist
Betsy Rosenthal

Hi, I am Betsy and I attended Fearless Conversations because I had had such an amazing experience at the Fearless Foundations Workshop. As a Coach, I wanted to have a better understanding of how to utilize these tools that Rhonda has helped me with for my own clients. I couldn’t more highly recommend these workshops to Coaches who want to deepen their practice and connect more fully with their clients. I think one of the main ways that this will impact my coaching moving forward is a new way of seeing clients in a way that will help me give them the space they need to make the breakthroughs that I was able to make in the Fearless Foundations Workshop.

I think what this has provided me with is a new framework to look at my coaching and that new perspective brings a new opportunity to connect more fully with my clients. It’s given me an opportunity to hold a mirror up to my own coaching and say, oh, well, there were some gaps here and I can fill those in with what I’ve learned from Rhonda.

The more deeply you can connect with your clients, the more success that you’re going to have with them, and the more successful and experience your clients have, the more clients you’re going to bring in.

I think Fearless Conversations is an essential process for someone to go through – especially someone who’s maybe been through another coach training and wants a new perspective to feel like they can coach from all angles, because there are a lot of coach programs out there, and this has such a comprehensive [structure]. One of the things that I noticed about it is that there’s so much structure and infrastructure in this, and it’s really comforting to have that. Whereas I know other programs don’t have that.

With Betsy
Carrie Delaney

I’ve read Rhonda’s book twice before and never ever, ever would have imagined that I would have walked away from this weekend with so much insight as to just how much control fear plays in my life. One of the most valuable lessons I learned is just how important and rewarding of an experience it can be to lean on others for support. Having 130+ women and men all in one room supporting each other through this process really shows off Rhonda Britten’s brilliance.

It was a life-saving experience and I’d give my friend information on the next Fearless Foundation Workshop. It’s so hard to put this experience into words for people who are still living in their comfort zones because they are afraid to hear my changes.

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