Certified Fearless Life Coach / Certified Fearless trainer
Certified Fearless Life Coach / Certified Fearless Trainer, Details Management Inc
Hi, I'm Sylvia Macintosh. I'm a Certified Fearless Life Coach and a Certified Fearless trainer. This was my second time to attend the Fearless Conversations Workshop. I'm really glad I came again because it was a chance to listen to all eight steps over again and get a much deeper understanding of why they show up in the order that they do, how they build on each other, and that it's not that we use everything all at once, but this, these are the eight steps to deep, meaningful conversation, both in coaching and in real relationships. The first time was still very helpful and useful because I hadn't heard these things. So to be able to take them home and take the notes and think about them, I practiced them a lot, particularly with my kids in order to try to learn to embody them and be able to have these skills ready in my coaching. I found it very helpful in my relationship with my kids who are all adults now. So I'm really past the 'telling them what to do' stage. And this was very helpful in helping me help them figure out what they wanted, because I really don't think they wanted my vision. They couldn't sort out their own vision. Fearless Conversations Workshop is useful to anyone who ever talks to anybody else. So if you have family members, if you have friends, if you have a job, or if you have employees, if you do volunteer work, it doesn't matter... If you talk to people, this is really helpful and supportive because it not only a lot of classes, talk about how to talk, how to get your message across. This is really: how do you listen, so that the communication goes full circle. So that if you have a message you really need to get across, like wrapped up with "Challenging Conversations"... Yes, you need to know how to present your side. But more important in being heard is listening first. If you're not sure this is definitely worth the risk, because even if you come away from the whole weekend with only one thing, it's going to be a hugely powerful thing for you. But there are at least eight things waiting for you. And the connection with the other people is also hugely powerful. Rhonda Britten's workshops are set up to where it's a full body experience. She's talking, we listen and then we get up and do it and we mix with each other. So it really, you get a chance to embody and practice. It's not shut up and listen, go home and try it.